
[正版購買]GoodSync(GoodSync2Go)12.6.3免安裝中文版-檔案同步及備份軟體...此軟體序號同時適用Windows、Mac、Linux作業系統,GoodSync2Go適用Windows、Mac作業系統 ...,Takeyourfileswithyouwhereveryougo:GoodSync2GoforWindowsgivesyoutheflexibilityofaUSBdrivealongwithGoodSync'sbackupandsyncingpower.,PortableversionofGoodSyncthatrunsofftheUSBkeyoranyportabledrive.Subjecttolimitations,becauseitisnotaninstall...

[正版購買] GoodSync (GoodSync2Go) 12.6.3 免安裝中文版

[正版購買] GoodSync (GoodSync2Go) 12.6.3 免安裝中文版- 檔案同步及備份軟體 ... 此軟體序號同時適用Windows、Mac、Linux作業系統,GoodSync 2Go適用Windows、Mac作業系統 ...

GoodSync2Go for Windows

Take your files with you wherever you go: GoodSync2Go for Windows gives you the flexibility of a USB drive along with GoodSync's backup and syncing power.

Download GoodSync 2Go

Portable version of GoodSync that runs off the USB key or any portable drive. Subject to limitations, because it is not an installed program.


Goodsync 2Go! ... GoodSync2Go 可直接安裝在任何可攜式裝置上執行(例如USB 快閃磁碟機或可攜式硬碟),輕鬆使兩台或多台未相連的電腦保持同步。如同GoodSync,GoodSync2Go ...


GoodSync 幫助您輕鬆備份及同步檔案。我們的軟體簡單可靠, ... GoodSync 2GO · 平台與服務 · 免費版與付費版比較. 商用; FOR SERVER OS · Backup Control ...


You can use GoodSync2Go to easily keep two or more non-connected computers in sync using a USB flash or other portable drive. · GoodSync2Go runs from the ...


2Go! Goodsync 2Go. GoodSync2Go 可直接安裝在任何可攜式裝置上執行(例如USB 快閃磁碟機或可攜式硬碟),輕鬆使兩台或多台未相連的電腦保持同步。如同GoodSync ...


GoodSync 2GO · 平台與服務 · 免費版與付費版比較. 商用; FOR SERVER OS · Backup Control Center · 價格 · 資源 · 聯絡我們. 支援; 說明中心 · 使用手冊. 推廣; 結盟 ...